Light splashed this morning
on the shell pink anemones
swaying on their tall stems;
down blue spiked veronica
light flowing in rivulets
over the humps of the honeybees;
this morning I saw light kiss
the silk of the roses
in their second flowering,
my late bloomers
flushed with their brandy.
A curious gladness shook me…
I can scarcely wait till tomorrow,
when a new life begins for me,
as it does each day,
as it does each day.
-Stanley Kunitz
This time of year with it’s gorgeous produce and late blooming flowers seems full of possibility, like a new school notebook full of empty pages waiting for words to come to life. Around here, summer has been full of new learning about bread and bakeries and the people that make them special. I can’t wait to share some of that learning this fall with new classes, new recipes and new ways to help more people eat well in our community. There are new Flour Boxes sitting on the counter just waiting to be filled, a stack of new recipes to explore, and lots of kids around town excited about baking for themselves and others. So enjoy these last golden days of summer, and check back soon to see what’s blooming. I can scarcely wait until tomorrow..